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Find a Person

Find a Person

We’re one of the UK’s leaders in how to trace a person, be they a long-lost friend or relative, a former flame or someone who owes you or your company money. 

We can also facilitate the debt recovery process, serve legal notices like court orders and conduct private investigations. We also offer tenant tracing services and can trace people abroad if that is required.

Our people tracing service has been operating for more than 30 years. We know our stuff. We get results.

Private Investigation

Private Investigation

Vilcol is one of the UK's leading private investigation companies with an exceptional success rate. Our team takes on a variety of cases and will work closely with you to determine what is needed and what you want to achieve when instructing a private detective.

This goes for any case, whether you want information on a personal or business issue. A Vilcol private eye will conduct discreet surveillance, data retrieval and interviews, as well as a host of other services. Whatever your needs are, our experienced team has has you covered.

Process Serving

Process Serving

Process servers are people who serve legal court papers or other legal documents that require some kind of legal action, like someone’s presence in court. 

Many papers are time sensitive and some have serious consequences under UK law if they are not adhered to. Process servers are trained professionals and are also known as court servers, court summons servers, international process servers, a process service or legal document servers.

Our Legal Processing Service features expert staff who have over 35+ years of expertise in serving legal papers.

International Tracing

International Tracing

Are you trying to find someone in another country and facing a frustrating time?

Overseas tracing can be an exasperating experience for people in the UK who are attempting to find someone internationally.

Vilcol provides a fast, efficient and compliant method of finding someone abroad who you need to reconnect with.

We are one of the UK’s leading tracing agents with expertise in international people tracing, debtor tracing, debt recovery, process serving (handing over a legal notice or court order), employment tracing, probate searches and private investigations. If you need to trace a person for any reason, Vilcol can help.

Debtor Tracing

Debtor Tracing

If you need to trace a debtor, it’s not always easy to know where to start. Perhaps you’re trying to trace someone who owes money, find a tenant who has absconded and who owes rent, or trace a debtor with an outstanding loan. Or maybe you need to find someone you need to serve a legal notice to.

Even today, with the availability of the internet and social media, it can be a time-consuming, frustrating and expensive process trying to trace money you are owed.

If you’re trying to locate a debtor by yourself, you’ll also face a general lack of information, dead-ends, restricted records of dates of birth and phone numbers and no access to professional people tracing tools like those we use.